Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Restaurant Makeover? A wide-open secret.

You are very lucky if you have a restaurant that is not doing well in Canada. Why? You have an award winning team of chefs and designers to help you do a "Restaurant Makeover".

"Restaurant Makeover" is a television series which airs on Food Network Canada and HGTV Canada. The producer of this programme will match funds restaurant owners can provide, by up to $15,000, to transform their struggling restaurants into a winner. Restaurants involved get free publicity when the makeover processes are aired on its TV network and on channels in over 16 countries worldwide. And if you take the time to watch the series, you will notice that each show always ends with a good critic about the food and ambiance of the outlet aired.

So, when the going gets tough, the tough works on the law of rhythm and think only of good times to come; take the challenge and do a makeover.

If you are in the restaurant business that needs some tweaking, check out the designer work carried out on restaurants and the refined recipes created that brought them back to life.

You can find links to some of these restaurant on Wikipedia.

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